5.9Crazy in Alabama

Crazy in Alabama

An abused wife heads to California to become a movie star while her nephew back in Alabama has to deal with a racially-motivated murder involving a corrupt sheriff.

1999Comedie111 minPlay
5.8All the Pretty Horses

All the Pretty Horses

The year is 1949. A young Texan named John Grady finds himself without a home after his mother sells the ranch where he has spent his entire life. Lured south of the border by the romance of cowboy life and the promise of a fresh start, Cole and his pal embark on an adventure that will test their resilience, define their maturity, and change their lives forever.

2000Drama117 minPlay
6.4The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

In order to avoid a jail sentence, Sean Boswell heads to Tokyo to live with his military father. In a low-rent section of the city, Shaun gets caught up in the underground world of drift racing

2006Actiune104 minPlay


When God loses faith in humankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity's only hope for survival lies in a group of strangers trapped in an out-of-the-way, desert diner with the Archangel Michael.

2010Actiune100 minPlay
6.9Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights

A small, turbulent town in Texas obsesses over their high school football team to an unhealthy degree. When the star tailback, Boobie Miles, is seriously injured during the first game of the season, all hope is lost, and the town's dormant social problems begin to flare up. It is left to the inspiring abilities of new coach Gary Gaines to instill in the other team members -- and, by proxy, the town itself -- a sense of self-respect and honor.

2004Drama118 minPlay
FILM HD4.8Legacy Peak

Legacy Peak

Jason, un bărbat fără experiență în parenting, se află într-o aventură pentru a câștiga inimile copiilor sceptici ai logodnicei sale înainte de a se căsători. Planul lor de a zbura la cabana părinților ei, izolată în sălbăticie, cu câteva zile înainte ca ea să-și încheie serviciul, se năruie rapid, iar aventura se transformă într-o luptă pentru supraviețuire înainte ca această nouă familie să poată începe o viață împreună. Aceasta este povestea filmului online în care Jason și copiii ...

2022Aventura94 minPlay
FILM HD7Birthright: Outlaw

Birthright: Outlaw

O fiică răpită. Un trecut ascuns dezvăluit. O perspectivă aparent futilă de salvare. Acum, preotul Jeremiah Jacobs și soția sa, Martha, trebuie să înfrunte minciunile trecutului pentru a-și găsi speranța pentru viitor.

2023Drama100 minPlay